Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Motivation to live Well - May 12, 2009


Knowledge is power, but without action it’s useless.
Renew your mind daily through the truth of the Word,
then use that wisdom to guide your body and soul."

This is such a true statement. I know God's Word and meditate on it. Additionally, I have a library of health and/or weightloss materials. All of this knowledge is a wonderful tool to a better, more victorious life, but the benefit of all that knowledge is limited if I don't apply it to my life through action. The greatest benefit is through more consistent application.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Motivation to Live Well - May 11, 2009

"If you take two steps forward and one step back, you’re still getting someplace. Don't give up the moment you slip up. Press on!"

For most of my life I have felt like a complete failure any time I haven't been 100 percent or if I blew my eating or failed to workout. I tend to be an all or nothing person. All that has ever done for me is cause me to spiral downward in my spirit of failure. I might take a break, rag on myself, or I might give up all together---feeling it was useless and I'd never be successful and reach my goals.

As time has gone on, the quote from Motivation to Live Well has given me encouragement. I am not 100 percent all of the time or ever, for that matter. I am on a journey to make more right choices every day. In that, I am feeling successful.

I am also working more on my thought processes. I've honestly thought I wouldn't succeed. I've thought I will fail and, therefore, that's exactly what I do. Even as I walked on the treadmill today (good choice, step forward), I recited to myself that I can and I am going to do this and be in good physical shape. I believe I'll be in better mental shape as well. Mind and body!

Proverbs 23:7 "As a man thinks in his heart. SO IS HE."

I want to be different so I'd better keep working at thinking differently!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Motivation to Live Well - May 3, 2009

Start each day in prayer asking God to guide your steps.
That way you’ll be walking on a firm foundation.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Motivation to Live Well - May 1, 2009

Don’t look back on yesterday with despair. Look at tomorrow with hope.

It's so easy to beat myself up for my mistakes and failures of yesterday, but I am choosing to look at TODAY with hope.