Bought a food journal and I'm logging what I eat and how I workout.
Day 4, Boundaries, Not Diets
Notes from:
Linda Spangle "100 Days of Weight Loss"
"This all-or-nothing approach never works because when you are off your diet, you cancel out the progress you made while you were on it."
"Instead of getting stuck on the word diet, learn to think of it as setting boundaries for your eating plan."
"Unlike strict or rigid diet plans, boundaries stay flexible. They provide guidelines, but at the same time they allow for common sense and good judgment."
"Boundaries should give you benefits, not punishment!...Depending on your needs, you can simply adjust the edges of your plan to match where you are in life [and what situation or occassion arises]. By doing this, you'll be far more successful than if you punish yourself every time you step off the road."
Too often with me it is an all-or-nothing world. That leads to over- indulgence and then self-recrimination. Under this approach I could allow small deviations under special circumstances. For instance, this weekend is Easter and I am going to make cookies for the kids and grandkids. So instead of denying myself a cookie (which I know I won't do) or going completely off the wagon, I could allow myself one cookie, maybe two, but set a limit on the boundary I will follow ahead of time.
I'll try it.
The diet journal has proven to be a good tool this weekend.
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago
I like the idea of boundaries...it's a different mindset and one that sounds much more reasonable than a "diet" - thanks for the tip!