Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Muscle Helps, Too! Every pound of muscle burns three times more calories than does a pound of fat. Muscles scoop up blood sugar and enhance your body's insulin sensitivity — the more muscle you have, the more cells are available to absorb glucose, and you won't have to produce as much insulin after meals. Your muscle cells will be more efficient at using glucose for fuel, so your body won't have to store as much food as fat.

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Motivation to Live Well - April 29, 2009

Seeds of discipline produce a harvest of
strength. Keep planting them daily.


(From Trina at

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Motivation to Live Well - April 26, 2009


Motivation to Live Well:
Yesterday’s mistakes are not an excuse to continue damaging behavior, but
rather reinforcement as to why you need to change.

I needed this word today. It's been two steps forward and one step backwards, but I'm determined to focus on the one step increase forward while looking for solutions in order not to fall one step backwards. I've worked so hard at transforming my inner self in respect to health and weight loss, it is time for it to make some major transformation on the outside of me.

My mind and heart are being gradually transformed and it will leak out into my outer self! That's been my goal for the past 6 months. For most of us who struggle with our weight and looks, we've spent a large portion of our precious lives being negative about ourselves and feeling defeated. That's why I have felt my first transformation had to be within.

I know that God has graciously been transforming me from the day I met Him and gave my life to Him. He can do the same thing for me in respect to my mindset when it comes to emotional and physical health. I'm counting on it!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

DAY 5, Magic Notebook

Sidenote: I'm not really doing this book in 100 Days, but a day here and there.

Day 5, Magic Notebook (100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle)

"When I journal, I stay on track. It helps me catch the times when I'm slipping into emotional eating or getting discouraged with my efforts. Then I can make changes and correct those issues right away."

"When a food thought crosses your mind, remind yourself that you don't have to act on it."

"Practice the skill of observing food cues, then letting them go."
The journaling practice is a way to get in touch with myself, my habits, and my thoughts. It has also been a way to really notice what I'm eating and how much I'm actually working out. Too often, we progress mindlessly through our day when it comes to exactly what we are putting into our bodies and how much and often we are really working out. I have also had times when I just didn't want to write down something I'd eaten (Reeses Cup) because I didn't want to see it on the paper. That should tell me something =) I wouldn't say it's a "Magic Notebook", because we all know there is no magic in losing weight, but it is a "Helpful Notebook".

Motivation to Live Well - April 23, 2009

Take some steps today, if only a few, and tomorrow you’ll be that much closer to your goal.

I really do like the Motivation to Live Well gadget-little post-its across my mind each day.

Healthily Selfish

I only worked out minimally the last two days. Other obligations took over my time. I HAVE TO start being a little "healthily selfish" and guard and protect my time to workout. In my heart, being selfish, has never been an admirable quality, but when it comes to my weight loss and healthier lifestyle efforts, I must be "healthily selfish" in order to be all I need to be for those I love and yes, for myself. God desires that I be a good steward of all things and that includes my body and health. This I have neglected.

I have another full day today, but I WILL MAKE THE TIME to workout.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Motivation to Live Well - April 21, 2009


Imagine your goal at the top of a mountain. You’ll never reach it if you don’t start climbing.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Motivation to Live Well - April 20, 2009

One of the most satisfying feelings--more satisfying than the temptation itself is when one can say, ’I could have, but I didn’t!’
This blog is a great form of accountability for me. I am using the written diet and workout journal also. I don't like to use the word diet, because I want to live a lifestyle change instead, but that's what's the journal is called. =0

I have worked out on the treadmill and the strength training workout as well. While I was doing both I felt so accomplished. I just have to get my head where I love it so much that I would miss it if I didn't do it. At that point I think I will have succeeded at one lifestyle change.

Tomorrow I will also do the Holy Yoga DVD.
After spending some time online looking for blogs of others who are on a journey to be healthier and lose weight, I found there are MANY of us rowing in the same boat. This journey of lifestyle change is such a huge and important step in our lives we seem to all be looking for every bit of the inspiration and encouragement we can find. I am already thankful for finding these blogs to enhance my efforts.

This weekend I came across a magazine that's new to the market, Best You-Health and Joy Begin Here. After reading the Premier Issue, I will pick up the next issue when it's released. It contained some great articles and looked at the journey to be the best me inside and out.

These are only a few "snippets" as my blogging friend, Trina, calls them and is in no way reflecting the abundant content in the magazine.

"GET 30 MINUTES OF EXERCISE MOST DAYS. In the handful of minutes it takes to watch some TV shows or browse the internet, you could slash your risk of diabetes by 34 percent, of stroke by 20 percent-and sharpen your thinking skills, whittle your waist and put some sparkle in your mood. So what are you waiting for." (I've already spent 30 minutes browsing blogs this morning).

"...finding a new identity requires a hard look inside and changing your life is a process."

These, of course, aren't anything that I haven't already heard, read, or spoken myself, but when traveling this road to change and commitment, little reminders are like post-it-notes across my heart and I need them.

I also received this from a friend, "The truth is, we're being changed by what obsesses us. We're becoming like the things that occupy our minds. Our character is being influenced and impacted by whatever has hold of our hearts." Wilkerson

Saturday, April 18, 2009


It may seem trivial to some, especially my model thin friends, but those tenths of a pound encourage me. When I was in my 20's, I'd have been appalled by such minute changes, but in my 40's and with weight loss being so much harder...I'm greatly encouraged to fight the good fight today.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Light Switch Is Turned On


I've been going through a slight personal crisis and have been somewhat off track. I have been working out doing my strength training so I give myself a thumbs up for that.

To me, the biggest battle in the weight loss journey is the battle of the mind. It's the same battle that defeats most areas of my life. I do believe that satan battles us in our thinking more than anywhere.

All that to say, I think the mental thing is finally clicking in for me. I can want to lose weight, want to be physically fit, want to be healthy, want, want, want all day long, but there comes these moments where the light switch is turned on and mentally I'm ready to be committed to the process. I think that day has finally arrived! THANK GOD! Literally.

I am also finding numerous weight loss journey blogs. Those are a great inspiration.

Okay, I'm on my weigh (word usage intended) to less weight, better health, mental victory, and physical fitness. I am going to enjoy life again!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 4 Boundaries, Not Diets


Bought a food journal and I'm logging what I eat and how I workout.

Day 4, Boundaries, Not Diets
Notes from:
Linda Spangle "100 Days of Weight Loss"

"This all-or-nothing approach never works because when you are off your diet, you cancel out the progress you made while you were on it."

"Instead of getting stuck on the word diet, learn to think of it as setting boundaries for your eating plan."

"Unlike strict or rigid diet plans, boundaries stay flexible. They provide guidelines, but at the same time they allow for common sense and good judgment."

"Boundaries should give you benefits, not punishment!...Depending on your needs, you can simply adjust the edges of your plan to match where you are in life [and what situation or occassion arises]. By doing this, you'll be far more successful than if you punish yourself every time you step off the road."

Too often with me it is an all-or-nothing world. That leads to over- indulgence and then self-recrimination. Under this approach I could allow small deviations under special circumstances. For instance, this weekend is Easter and I am going to make cookies for the kids and grandkids. So instead of denying myself a cookie (which I know I won't do) or going completely off the wagon, I could allow myself one cookie, maybe two, but set a limit on the boundary I will follow ahead of time.

I'll try it.
The diet journal has proven to be a good tool this weekend.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


The sugar binge got me. Today's a new day.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Beginning Again...

This may be the story of my life thus far..."beginning again".
I've been out of pocket most of the last couple of weeks and haven't concentrated on my weight loss goals, lifestyle change objective, or this blog.

Thank God for new beginnings. Tomorrow I "begin again". I wish that was the last time I ever used that phrase....Maybe it will be =) Amidst the negativety of having to begin again is a positive-at least I haven't given up.

I can say that being off my lifestyle change program and going back to some old habits of sugar, a few sodas, and some fast food has left me feeling blue, sluggish, and pretty much miserable. Good lesson. I do feel better physically and emotionally when I'm eating healthy and reduce if not completely cut out sugars.

I'll post my weight in the morning, but it's sure to be a gain. My hope is that it will be losses after that. Again the question-am I interested in living a healthy lifestyle or am I COMMITTED TO A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE? Only I can make the changes.

From Losing It at Jillian Michaels today. Fitting!
(You can subscribe to her daily email at

Learn From Your Slip-ups If you did catch the show [Biggest Loser], you saw how the players' binge at the temptation made them feel...Filipe was sick to his stomach, and Tara practically turned gray and started shaking from the sugar rush. When your body gets used to eating healthy food, it will revolt against you if you binge. When a slip-up happens — and let's be realistic; it probably will at some point — pay attention to how your body reacts. You feel like crap, right? GOOD. Remember that feeling, and then the next time you're tempted, think your actions through. When you realize how much better you'll feel when you don't go on that binge, you'll be better equipped to resist the temptation.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Post to come later

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

DAY 3 Do It Anyway


Linda Spangle, "100 Days of Weight Loss"

"I don't feel like exercising today! Does this sounds familiar?"

"To improve your commitment, learn to focus on your actions, not just your feelings. On days you're not in the mood for exercising or eating right, tell yourself to do it anyway."

"If you're really committed to your goals, you'll make these choices no matter what, rgardless of whether you feel like it or not. Each day, take a few steps that will move you forward, even if you don't feel like it. Remember that when you're truly committed, you do it anyway."

What is is that I'm putting off or making excuses not to do? Today, I will get on the treadmill and do strength training no matter what obstacles get in my way. In Christ I am more than a conqueror!